Universidad de San Andres, Victoria
This institutional profile has been created for use by University of Wisconsin-Madison graduate programs.
First degree/qualification: Bachiller, Bachelor of Arts, 4 years.
Minimum quality for UW-Madison Graduate School admission: Overall grade point average of 6.00/10.00.
Minimum level for UW-Madison Graduate School admission: 4 year bachiller, bachelor.
Documents required: Official transcript; official certification of degree or title (título) and date awarded in Spanish and English.
Description: Instituted in 1988 by the community of St. Andrew Scott School (a private secondary school established in 1838); granted official recognition in 1991. This private university has introduced a program that resembles the U.S. bachelor's degree more than the usual Argentina degree. It offers 4 year BA degrees with specialization in economics or business administration. The secondary school certificate (bachillerato — 12-13 years of education) and an entrance examination are the usual requirements for admission.
Grading system:
10 | Sobresaliente |
8-9 | Distinguido |
6-7 | Bueno |
4-5 | Aprobado |
1-3 | Insuficiente |
4 is minimum passing grade; grades reported by semesters or yearly.
Language of instruction: Spanish, English.
Advanced degrees:
None given.
Last updated: Jul 10, 2008