University of Oxford
United Kingdom
This institutional profile has been created for use by University of Wisconsin-Madison graduate programs.
First degree/qualification: Bachelor's degree (3-5.75 years).
Minimum quality for UW-Madison Graduate School admission: Upper ranges of class II, division 2.
Minimum level for UW-Madison Graduate School admission: 3 year bachelor's degree.
Documents required: Final official record of subjects and examination results may be available depending on college. If not, letters from tutors may be used to ascertain quality. Official certification of degree, degree classification and date awarded.
Description: Instituted in the 12th century. One of the old traditional English universities. 35 colleges at Oxford. An excellent institution with strict admission standards. Usual admission requirements are the General Certificate of Secondary Education and the General Certificate of Education advanced level (at least two passes) (13 years of education).
Grading system:
Honours |
Class I |
Class II, division 1 |
Class II, division 2 |
Class III |
Preliminary examinations sat in first year. Honours or moderations examinations may be sat in first or second year. Exam marks: alpha = A, beta = B, gamma = C, delta = D. Final examinations sat at end of degree course; degree mention entirely dependent on final examination results. Degrees awarded with honours or as pass.
Language of instruction: English.
Advanced degrees:
Master's: 1-2 years after specified first degree, except for the M.A. degree, which is honorary. Degrees not classified.
D.Phil: 1-2 years after specified advanced degree; by research and thesis. Degrees not classified.
Last updated: May 09, 2005